Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Inaugural Address

Hi All and Welcome.

This is a blog to document my life as a single woman dating in the doldrums. The doldrums you ask? The doldrums technically refers to a windless sea, when your sails aren't marshmallowy fluffed by a breeze sending you on your way. I use the term "the doldrums" to refer to the period of time when your first major love has ended, you are engulfed in work, you've realized that all that hangs in bar are bar flies stuck to the fly paper of cheap liquor and cheaper conversation, you are young enough to kick it up but smart enough not to get caught (too often), you are old enough that being carded is considered a compliment, and there are no, I repeat NO, single men crossing your path within a decade of your age.
I am 29, self-employed, divorced a year, and I think I'm pretty okay. Not movie star fabulous, but you know, a catch in my own right. This last summer I decided to give dating a real go. I've been really putting myself out there! So, I shall catch you all up briefly on my progress over the last 6 months.

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