Monday, February 22, 2010

But my health/heart is at stake!

So, the lovely and talented Corey lent me the book "The Brain in Love" by Daniel Amen, MD. This guy looks at brain images and then uses that data to assist those figuring out their relationship woes. Now, I know this was not the entire point of this book, but at one point he links a lack of rollin in the hay with all sorts of illnesses, depression, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. {insert audio of woman screaming, AAAAAAHHHHHH, oh NOOOOO!!!}
Just when I thought that I was doing myself a favor by, uh, only doing myself favors, I began to think that maybe, just maybe, isolating myself until I felt okay by myself may actually cause me to lose touch with myself (no pun intended, well, okay, maybe) as a vibrant sexual being.
What if I forget how to "do it"?
Plus, if I take a lover, what if I/we fall in love and it's sheerly a chemical thing and we are completely incompatible???? I remember a little wooden hand-painted sign that hung in my parents bathroom when I was a kid that said, "I believe in a little incompatibility, especially if he has income and she is pattable." Um, I think I'm looking for something a bit deeper than that in a relationship when it comes. But, until then, am I going to rot away and die because I snuggle up with my dog, cat, body pillow, ugly sweats, and thick socks every night? {insert audio: sigh}

Friday, February 5, 2010


Remember the debate about whether to call those with physical limitations disabled or "differently-abled?" I just wonder if I'm undate-able or differently date-able. Just curious as I sit on my ball, crutches to my right, my three legged dog on my left, my right eye swollen shut with some mysterious infection, a raging case of icky face, and my poor little heart on my sleeve. Just curious.
And if differently date-able, what does that mean? I can only date the dungeons and dragons guy again? Sigh.